26. 3月19日大聖若瑟節-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 God only wants me to be humble, like St. Joseph, and to empty myself so that he can fill me with his grace in my poor heart. 天主只希望我像聖若瑟一樣謙遜,空虛自...
146. 成熟-#多明我語錄 人格的成長 人由幼年自六歲之後,智力開始逐漸發展,脫離原本以自我為中心的心態,能夠分辨對錯,並且對父母表達感激之情,此時開始與父母及身邊的朋友建立「友誼」。 中學之後逐漸開始建立了自己的思想及行為模式,需要獨立自主的空間,進入了叛逆期,同時考驗著與父母所建立的親情。 直到孩子進入成年期,開始談戀愛、擇偶、建立了家庭,有了孩子之後,懂得要為家庭打拼,學會讓步,犧牲,放棄...
25. 3月18日真正的基督徒-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 I must always be of service, but I must be first Christ’s servant. As a Christian, I cannot bury what has been entrusted to me and remain a fa...
24. 3月17日以愛還愛-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Like Joseph, the son of Jacob, Christ the Lord came to look for his brothers, mankind. He came from the eternal Father and brought food with him...
2023.03.17 St. Patrick Day 至南松山堂朝拜聖體! 讓我們永遠朝拜至聖的聖體! 祈求天主垂聽我們的祈禱意向! 主啊!我來到祢面前朝拜祢! 當我們決議要尋求及服從祢的旨意,願意為了達成祢的旨意而忍受一切艱難、挫折與困苦等,表示我們的靈魂已趨於穩定與成熟了! 感謝天主,在我們人生的道路上不斷地指引我們,使我們不至於迷失方向! 願光榮歸於聖父、聖子及聖神,起初如何,今日亦然,直到...
23. 3月16日克己-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 “Christ has called us, and asks us: ‘Are you ready to drink the chalice – the chalice which means giving yourself fully to the will of the Father ...
22. 3月15日屬靈的戰鬥-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 “If everything seems to be fading away, if your spiritual edifice totters, find your support in filial confidence in Jesus and Mary –the sure a...
21. 3月14日祂的愛-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Jesus' trajectory has been to give himself out of love to the extreme. And what is his secret? That his human heart was fully satiated with the l...
20. 3月13日 犧牲-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Love for the Will of God brings us joy in sacrifice. When we offer discomfort, tiredness, adversities, and small mortifications for the salvation...
145. 我們是主的「聲音」-#多明我語錄(號角報) 「聲音」可以是嘹亮悅耳的,也可以是吵雜難忍的;我們想像著主耶穌在對所有的孩子、年輕人、老年人、罪婦、瞎子、癩病人、稅吏和門徒們講道時的模樣,時而用比喻,也會說故事;有時振奮人心,有時刺入心田,然而眾人總是聽得津津有味。 認清自己的身份 主耶穌在復活升天之前的教訓,仍然回響在我們的耳際:「你們往普天下去,向一切受造物宣傳福音。」(谷16:15)我...