165.8月5日解結聖母-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Mary, Untier of Knots (Undoer of Knots). St. Irenaeus (born ca. A.D. 130) wrote about the Incarnation of Christ: “Luke, commencing the genealogy ...
164.8月4日美好生活的規則-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Rules for good living. What does a family, the imperial Habsburg, have to offer a modern, and liberal society? Archduke of Austria Eduard Habs...
163.8月3日天主經-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Often we pray the Lord's Prayer, with the petition, "Give us this day our daily bread." It refers not so much that material food, which is the sup...
162.8月2日合一的生活-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Every Christian should seek sanctity and apostolate. “And in order to attain these goals we need formation above all else. For our sanctity we n...
161.8月1日專注參與彌撒的秘訣-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Nine Tips to Help You Stay Focused at Mass 幫助你在彌撒中,保持專注的九個秘訣 1. Turn off music streaming and the car radio on the way to Mass. 1. 在去彌撒的路上,關掉...
160.7月31日幸福的秘訣-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 We are here to serve, and to facilitate that Christ may live in people's souls. We, Christians, do not belong to ourselves any more. That attit...
2023.07.30朝聖計畫—有夢最美 夢想總是最美的,旅遊不要太趕,總是讓人精神愉快,神采奕奕。 耶路撒冷聖地朝聖,至主業團耶路撒冷活動中心「Saxum」,及聖地各大教堂朝聖地。 https://saxum.org/ 再見羅馬,梵蒂岡,主業團羅馬總部(Opus Dei Villa Tevere),弗羅倫斯(Florence),米蘭(Milan)其他各景點。 https://www.basilic...
166.正向思考-#多明我語錄 正向思考是習慣嗎? 人的思考模式,是一種習慣或是與生俱來的一種個性呢?有些人認為是與血型、星座、或是與小時候成長的環境有關。 有些人在面對問題的時候,總是將問題預測為可能發生的最壞情況,因為若是事情的發生,不像自己想像的情況差,就會鬆了一口氣;問題是,在事情尚未發生之前,自己已經被嚇掉半條命,幾天睡不著覺呢!這真是杞人憂天。 另一種人,什麼事都保持「正向思考」,以理...
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159.7月30日智德即謹慎-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Following Christ can cost us effort. Yet St. Paul assures us that no real evil can come to us, only amazing good because we are predestined, ca...