117.6月18日使徒工作-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 The Gospel of the Mass tells us (Mt 9:36-10:8) that the Lord was filled with compassion when he saw the crowds, because they were mistreated and...
116.6月17日聖母聖心-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Let us then with confidence come closer to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. The Church gi...
115.6月16日耶穌聖心-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 As with Eve from Adam’s rib, Divine Providence determined that the Church should be formed from the open side of Christ crucified and that the w...
114. 6月15日聖體聖事-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 On the Eucharist, St. Thomas Aquinas: “The Eucharist is the sacrament of love: It signifies love, it produces love. The Eucharist is the consum...
113.6月14日揀選-在聖神內合一-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 We are united through sharing in the Holy Spirit. If we stop living as mere animals, if we surrender ourselves wholly to the laws of the Sp...
112. 6月13日聖體聖事-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 “Now, and always, every single person will have to fight his own personal battle, knowing that everything depends on how he responds, and that ...
111. 6月12日天主恩賜的禮物-自由-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 “God's love is a jealous love. He is not satisfied if we come with conditions. He longs for us to give ourselves completely, without keep...
110.6月11日基督聖體聖血節-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Today, on the feast of Corpus Christi, we should make atonement to our Lord ... “We should tell him, in a robust way but at the same time wit...
109.6月10日真愛天主-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Christ was asked one day: “Which commandment is the first of all?” He answered with words from the Old Testament. His reply can be fully underst...
108.6月9日與主合一-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 When the Lord told his disciples to go and teach all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, he...
107.6月8日自由-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 Jesus, being God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, is absolutely wise and free in his decisions. Yet his generous sacrifice should move us to...
106.6月7日自由及意志-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 “Some people barricade themselves behind their freedom. ‘My freedom! My freedom!’ they cry. They have their freedom, but they don't use it. They...