43. 4月5日猶達斯-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

43. 4月5日猶達斯-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪 One Apostle left his boat and nets; another left the money he was handling; another, his parents; another, his children... And with Christ there i...

43. 4月5日猶達斯-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪

One Apostle left his boat and nets; another left the money he was handling; another, his parents; another, his children… And with Christ there is also one apostle, with his own special calling, named Judas, who is not worthy to be called an apostle.


“My soul is thrilled when I see that we can all approach Christ with confidence and walk by his side, trailing our shortcomings along; we feel safe at his side, sure of his goodness and his help. Underlying this passage of Scripture is a calling, a light, a force … The same calling as you and I have felt!


“But Judas did not want to be faithful to his vocation. He could have been as happy as the others, close to Christ; he could have been one of the pillars of the Church, but instead he chose to sell the one who had given him everything, for the price of a slave: thirty silver pieces.” St Josemaria


Judas’ betrayal was the result of concessions in small things, especially attachment to money.

There are many snares that the enemy can place in the way of our fidelity. So, what is asked of us is a humble attitude of constant vigilance. Our Christian vocation gives us an infinite sense of security, but we can’t let it make us reckless. If anything is not in accordance with the spirit of God, leave it immediately. Think of the Apostles. They were no use, yet they did miracles in the Lord’s name. Only Judas, who may also have done miracles, strayed from Christ. He went away deliberately, because he did not want to lay aside everything that was not in accordance with the spirit of God. What a pity!




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