56.4月18日打敗魔鬼的12種武器-白孟德神父(Fr. Charles Belmonte Lopez)語錄-譯者:林豪
Some asked for weapons to fight the devil. Christian life is not –primarily– a battle against the devil; rather, it is seeking Christ, finding him, loving him, remaining with him.
1. Christian life must be centered in Jesus, in loving and serving him; joining him in the Eucharist frequently. Consequently, we must fight the devil and reject every temptation. Temptation is anything (good or evil in itself) which separates us from fulfilling God’s Will. The provocations of the devil are considerably more intense than those coming from our fallen nature or the blindness of our twisted will. The devil may attack us, but not defeat us. He is like a chained dog; we must not get too close to him. This battle strengthens the soul. Christ will not allow us to be tempted beyond our capabilities.
2. Love the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, the Mass. There, it is not an angel but Jesus with all his power who comes to crush the enemy. Cultivate the visits to the Lord in the tabernacle.
2. 熱愛聖事,尤其是聖體聖事、彌撒。在那裡,不是天使,而是主耶穌用祂所有的大能來粉碎敵人。培養朝拜在聖體龕中的主耶穌,這樣的好習慣。
3. Humility; imitate Jesus’ meekness. Pride is the mark of the devil.
3. 謙遜;是效法主耶穌的溫良;驕傲則是魔鬼的標誌。
4. Prayer (both mental and vocal) becomes a firm rock against the attacks of the enemy.
4. 祈禱(包括:心禱及口禱);成為抵禦敵人攻擊的堅硬磐石。
5. Ask for help from your guardian angel in the moment of temptation.
5. 在遭遇誘惑時,向你的護守天使尋求協助。
6. Penance. The hardest blow against the devil is when we heal our sins with sacrifices and the sacrament of confession.
6. 補贖;當我們以犧牲及和好聖事醫治我們的罪過時,是對魔鬼最嚴厲的打擊。
7. Vigilance and sobriety, guard your internal and external senses. Avoid all occasions of sin.
8. Fight sadness and discouragement. The remembrance of your price (Christ died for you) is the antidote against despair. The devil wants us to forget all about the price that Jesus paid to make us His friends, and members of His mystical body, the Church. We are unbeatable not because we are without sin, or because we have nothing to be accused of, but because the Blood of Jesus is the endless source of our hope.
8. 與悲傷和氣餒奮戰,記住你的贖價(主基督為你而死),是對抗絕望的解藥。魔鬼要我們忘記,主耶穌為了使我們成為祂的朋友,以及祂神秘奧體教會的成員,而付出的贖價。我們是打不垮的,不是因為我們沒有罪,也不是因為我們無可指責,而是因為主耶穌的寶血是我們渴望的無盡源泉。
9. Foster joy in the struggle with child-like spirit. The devil’s aim is not so much a dramatic about-face in our spiritual life as the more subtle surrender of a defeated soul. Having grown weary of struggle and failure, and convinced that progress is unrealistic, a practical discouragement sets in—the fault most inimical to the childlike spirit. The resilience that leaves a fall behind and runs along is replaced by a disheartened “Why bother?”
9. 以孩子般的精神培養奮鬥爭取喜樂。魔鬼的目的,與其說是我們屬靈生活中的戲劇性轉變,不如說是戰敗的靈魂更不自覺的投降。在厭倦了奮鬥和失敗,並確信無法達到進步之後,一種真實的氣餒開始了—這是對孩子般的精神極為不利的錯誤。那種跌倒並繼續前進的韌性,被心灰意冷所取代了「何必再繼續呢?」
10. Apostolate (go out of yourself to give a hand to a friend), practice acts of service with self-giving, and alms.
10. 使徒工作(走出自己向朋友伸出援手),實現自我奉獻和施捨的服務行動。
11. Using the sacramentals with devotion: nothing scares the devil more than holy water, the scapular…
11. 虔誠地領受聖禮:沒有什麼比聖水、聖牌更讓魔鬼害怕的了……
12. As Eve was seduced by the devil, our Mother Mary obeyed God and is ready to help you. “So, your strength is fast failing you? Why don’t you say it to your Mother, ‘comforter of the afflicted, help of Christians… our hope, queen of apostles’?” St Josemaría.
12. 如同厄娃被魔鬼誘惑 ,我們的聖母瑪利亞順服了天主,並準備協助你。「所以,你的力量很快就要使你失敗了?你為什麼不對你的母親說:『憂苦之慰,基督徒之佑……我等希望,宗徒之后』拯救我們?」(聖施禮華)。
Together with Mary, who crushed the head of the serpent, pray also to St Joseph, the terror of the devils.